Black Viking Raven Helmet of Awe Linen Table Runner Seasonal Farmhouse Dresser Scarf Table Decor Home Kitchen Dining Table Decor

$15.99$23.8933% off

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Color: 01

Size: 150x33cm 59x13inch

150x33cm 59x13inch
180x33cm 70.8x13inch
200x33cm 78.7x13inch
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Material: linen fabric, no shrink, no fading

150x33cm 59x13inch
180x33cm 70.8x13inch
200x33cm 78.7x13inch

Easy to Clean: Hand washable and lay the table runner flat to dry.
for kitchen dining table daily use. holiday decoration.

Package listing: 1pc table runner.

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Ensuring the carousel takes only the space it needs.
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Cards need to have a width set, otherwise they default to 50px or so.
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